I Am Lakota

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I'm Into Anything Airborne--If It Flies, I AM WATCHING!!!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Buffalo Crash Blamed on Cockpit Crew

After all was said and done, I reckon this wasn't hard to figure out. The plane virtually pancaked and the pilot never pushed forward on the control wheel to stop the stall. The instruments were there to tell him that a stall was in progress, but he refused to inhibit the stall and continued to hold the control column back.

Maybe, this was due to the fact he wasn't much above 1,000 ft. agl. Also, due to the co-pilot not being 100% at the time and they weren't abiding by one of the rules in the cockpit--no talking about anything other than what is necessary to fly the aircraft safely under 10,000 feet.

There was more than one factor involved in this crash and the pilot and co-pilot were victims to these circumstances as were the passengers and the victim on the ground..... lakotahope


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