I Am Lakota

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I'm Into Anything Airborne--If It Flies, I AM WATCHING!!!

Thursday, July 2, 2009


This is contrary to previous reports by the experts. After studying the remains of the aircraft and passengers, investigators had said the types of injuries to the people found, had been consistent with in-flight breakup of the aircraft. Usually, the large pieces that were found indicate a breakup before impact with the ocean. However, the reasons for an Airbus 330 hitting the water vertically, sort of like a belly flop, raises a few more questions. For one, did the pilots not have any control after the power outages (PM1 failed). They may not have been able to reorient themselves if they didn't have the Artificial horizon functioning and other extremely important devices that would help the crew determine which way is up. ...lakotahope


Published: July 2, 2009

LE BOURGET, France — A French investigator says Air France Flight 447 did not break up in flight but plunged vertically into the Atlantic Ocean.

Alain Bouillard, leading the investigation into the June 1 crash for the French accident investigation agency BEA, also says life vests found among the wreckage of the plane were not inflated.

All 228 people aboard the plane were killed when it plunged into the ocean en route from Rio de Janeiro to Paris.

Bouillard said at a news conference outside Paris on Thursday that the search for the plane’s black boxes has been extended by 10 days and will continue through July 10.

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