I Am Lakota

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I'm Into Anything Airborne--If It Flies, I AM WATCHING!!!

Monday, June 22, 2009

Joint Strike Fighter For Sale

Is Gates and the Obama White House just pushing this plane just to be able to sell it and make money for the economy? Are they doing this at the expense and limited production of the world's greatest fighter aircraft today, Generation 5, F22 Raptor.

The pentagon is advertising the F35 to fill three major roles for the Air Force, strike, bombing and all weather. The Marines want S/VTOL abilities that will replace their Harriers. And the Navy wants an aircraft that can withstand the punishing atmosphere of carrier life.

We are jointly producing this aircraft with other countries and maybe we are pushing this aircraft just to keep these countries on the team. We wouldn't want them to get cold feet and bail on the largest aircraft Deal in History--$200 Billion plus.

According to the Pentagon, this plane does everything except orbit the earth. The U.S. is using this aircraft as a platform to sell to everyone who wants it...It will displace the F22 Raptor,(expensive), but I wonder will it truly be ALL things for ALL Missions??? Nothing has worked this way before.... LAKOTAHOPE
A distributed-aperture-infrared sensor system will provide full spherical infrared coverage around the aircraft. In addition to providing warnings of missile launches, information from the system can be displayed on the pilot’s helmet visor, permitting the pilot to see “through” the airplane’s structure in all directions, and eliminating the need for night-vision goggles. This system will dramatically increase the ability of the F-35 to conduct any type of mission at night.
JSF F 35 --globalsecurity.org
"For much of the free world’s military forces, the F-35 represents the future- a new family of affordable, stealthy combat aircraft designed to meet the twenty-first-century requirements of the US Air Force, Navy, and Marine Corps, as well as the United Kingdom’s Royal Air Force and Royal Navy. The program is truly international in its scope and participation: Italy, the Netherlands, Turkey, Canada, Denmark, Australia, and Norway recently joined the F-35’s system development and demonstration (SDD) phase. All SDD partners will be active in the F-35’s development process and stand to gain economically from the program.The program’s objective is to develop and deploy a technically superior and affordable fleet of aircraft that support the warfighter in performing a wide range of missions in a variety of theaters. The single-seat, single-engine aircraft is being designed to be self-sufficient or part of a multisystem and multiservice operation, and to rapidly transition between air-to-surface and air-to-air missions while still airborne. To achieve its mission, the JSF will incorporate low observable technologies, defensive avionics, advanced onboard and offboard sensor fusion, and internal and external weapons. Plans call for the F-35 to be the world's premier strike aircraft through 2040. It will provide air- to-air capability second only to the F-22 air superiority fighter. The plane will allow the Air Force forces to field an almost all-stealth fighter force by 2025. The Navy and Marine variants will be the first deployment of an "all-aspect" stealth airplane." ....globalsecurity.org

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