In the small amount of time that I have flown as PIC, it never occurred to me to want to land on an ice covered lake. Granted, I've dreamed of having a Lake Amphibian or a Sea Otter and the thoughts of gliding over tall evergreens surrounding the perfect lake in a "very hospitable" valley. Landing gently on the mirror like surface and taxiing to the perfect camp site. Yes, dumping all of my camping gear out of my aircraft and setting camp, then throw out my first cast. I really can picture this moment now at this keyboard.
But, I want to lead up to the following article about an Ice Airport that is only open a couple of months a year--weather permitting. Ice on highways is dangerous and I've usually been cautious when driving in wintery conditions. Oh, there were a couple of times in my youth where we'd find the largest snow covered parking lot and see what the dynamics of sliding cars entailed. (I did learn how to get into, get out of and especially recognize inherent out of control phenomenon, which I am sure aided me in driving safely on the previously mentioned wintery roads). Ice on landing strips seems bad and wanting to land on an ice covered lake seems worse. Just because I haven't spoken with any pilots who have enjoyed this part of flying, nor do we have any lakes in my area that will freeze solidly and thickly enough to hold my weight and my aircraft's weight. But, the following video is great and read the article--just click on the title of this particular blog....Sigh! ... lakotahope
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