The planes I flew, never had GPS installed, only the Loran C system that was designed with fixed ground based antennas in a grid that covered most of the coastline of the U.S. Of course, I also had my map, E6-B, protractor, ADF, etc., handy!!! Times have Changed! ...... lakotahope
Aircraft in Gulf to be tracked using satellites
Associated Press Writer
WASHINGTON (AP) - Government officials say air traffic controllers in December will begin using satellite-based technology to track aircraft in a 240,000-square mile area of the Gulf of Mexico.
Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood and Randy Babbitt, head of the Federal Aviation Administration, said Monday the move is a significant step toward replacing an air traffic control system based on World War II era radar technology with a GPS-based system.
Babbitt called the new system one of the biggest steps forward in technology in a generation.
The new system will allow airliners to fly more direct routes rather than from radar beacon to radar beacon as they do now. That could save billions of dollars every year in time and fuel, as well as cut pollution.
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